Die Casting

Better Castings Faster

Die Casting machine.

Safe, reliable, long-life, efficient, economical

Any die caster knows how to produce large, thin, convoluted aluminum castings for the automotive industry. It is already being done quite satisfactorily and profitably in large quantities. There are no secrets.

Knowing how to do it and actually doing it, however, are two very different things. When theory is finally replaced by reality, the most fundamental precept of die casting can be found in the old adage: a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

Shot Sleeves

Shot sleeve with split collar and gun drilled cooling lines. The shot sleeve is vacuum heat treated, nitrided, and PNO coated, creating a black finish.


Plunger Tips


Die Cast Lubrication

This is an image demonstrating the Lube Drop lubrication system, which discharges lubricant onto the ring of the plunger tip before the stroke, and the Rod Lube lubrication system, which precisely applies atomized lubricant if needed on the return stroke of the plunger rod. Both lubrication systems use Castool's blue vegetable ester-based CLS-200 lubricant which has a high flash point, low viscosity, and biodegradable.


Vacuum System

A CasTool vacuum system on wheels. A large white machine with a digital control screen on the side.


Bore Welding Shot Sleeves

Bore welding shot sleeves. A shot sleeve in action with lights on and a bar down the middle of it.


Pressure Testing

A round blue logo with red Pressure Tested and Flow tested wrote on it. In the middle of the circle is a green bar with a blue CasTool Tooling System logo in the centre.


Better Castings Faster

Many of Castool products and processes are Patended.

Castool has done excellent work over the years and as a result of the superior quality and performance of our tools, we patented some of our outstanding works.

Operating Safely, Globally